Saturday 22 April 2017

Studio Brief 02 - Leeds - Public Spaces- Evaluation

Overall, I have enjoyed the process from start to finish of this brief because the outcome had to use a traditional print method therefore it meant computer and digital work was at a minimum. Although the screen printing process as a whole took me a long time to complete I have learnt a lot from it, in terms of how to complete each step effectively with no mistakes. In the rationale, I set out to create a print that celebrates Carnival Against The Nazis through a visual and typographic way, the print needed to be celebratory and positive because it will be placed among an exhibition of Leeds Public Spaces. The final print effectively communicates what I set out to do, although the design is very simple I thought this created an interesting piece of work and something quite different to what I usually create therefore allowing me to work in a different way that I am used to, but still be something that I am happy with. The colours I have used within the print work well and relate to the event because they have been used within existing posters and designs but also the blue directly relates to blue beat found in ska, a genre commonly performed at the events and festivals. With the brief asking for the print to use a traditional method, allowed me to explore screen printing as I have been keen to create work using various print methods because I think they suit my style of work well.  This brief has inspired me to use various print methods in the future because it allows my work to stand out amongst lots of digitally produced work. If I were to improve any aspects of this brief, it would be to carefully consider my decisions when it came to choosing an event, due to the fact I changed my mind it did put me slightly out of time and I didn’t have a lot of time to do in depth research. However, because I then chose a stronger event, it meant the final print was successful and for my first time screen printing it went better than expected.  

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