Monday 6 February 2017

Study Task 03


Experimentations using the style of the gothic blackletter, the task we were set was to use this style of lettering and brush strokes to re design some simple hospital pictograms and each of the arrows. I experimented with black acrylic paint and various brush sizes to create these designs.

Final Designs

These designs I thought worked best because you can still pick out elements from the original hospital signs, the arrow design was versatile therefore I could just rotate and flip them within Photoshop to get every angle and way they were pointing. The first two are the female and male toilets, I have picked out the outline shape and added a triangle to the female toilet sign to emphasise the difference in each. The one underneath is the sign pointing towards the stairs, the telephone sign and finally the cross sign. I think these designs have been successful and beneficial for my work because I have taken blackletter, something that would not be associated normally with signs and symbols but made the technique work in a unique way.

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