Thursday 9 February 2017

Contextual Research- Studio Brief 02

Existing illustration books that I find useful for this brief:

Gemma Correll, The Worrier's Guide To Life

I have referred to this illustration book for contextual research because the work of Gemma Correll has become very popular. I think this is due to her work being very relatable to a wide audience of females of ages around 16-30. She very cleverly takes everyday issues and tries to add humour to them to make them seem less daunting or stressful. This book in particular deals with how to handle being worried so much but to also accept it is a normal feeling experienced by so many people. This is what makes her work so popular, because it is so relatable.

My Name Is Girl, Nina Cosford

The second book is written by illustrator Nina Cosford, this book looks at how to be a girl and how to handle struggles in your life you may come across by being a girl. I have also referred to this book for contextual research because again the book is very relatable to the same audience. By creating something that can be considered to an audience because it means it will be well received and appreciated.  

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