Thursday 9 February 2017

Final Evaluation Of OUGD405


While completing both studio brief 1 and 2, I have gained a good understanding on different aspects of design that I had not previously explored within my studies, I was aware of wayfinding systems but I had not given them much thought or thought about how they are put together. From early on in this module when we were set the first study task, it allowed me to explore going out within the public and witnessing how they react of various signs and symbols within Leeds city center, I now understand how great of importance they are within design and care for their functionality more know as prior to this brief I was ignorant to how carefully considered wayfinding systems were. It has also broadened my knowledge of other practicing designers like Adrian Fruitiger, Experimental Jetset and Oti Aicher whom I had not been familiar with at any other point within my studies, I am always eager to learn about other designers work and understand their techniques used when I am completing a brief similar to their work. Within studio brief 2, I have been able to use my own personal favourite style of work when designing my small, illustrated booklet, I have not yet merged illustration into any of my work while being at university but this brief has allowed me to do just that. I am pleased with the overall outcome of the second brief because it reflects my style of work as I prefer to create by hand and then manipulate digitally, instead of working primarily on a computer, this has encouraged me to work more in my own style and tailor the briefs to fit the work I am set as I have enjoyed this brief the most so far this year. I have also been able to learn knew techniques through completing various workshops that have benefited my final outcomes of this module, the bookbinding workshop has been the most beneficial to this module as I have used a technique for studio brief 2’s final outcome and I am sure it will help me within other projects to come as I am interested in bookbinding and designing books, therefore I can say it has inspired me to take advantage of this new technique and to incorporate it into other areas of my design work. Overall, I think my final outcome for brief 2 is stronger than brief 1, I found creating my own wayfinding system difficult because it is not the style of design I would particularly find interesting, however if I were to do something similar in the future I think I would take a more positive outlook on it and use the skills learnt on this module to make it interesting and creative.

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