Thursday 9 February 2017

Final Production and Design

Pages mocked-up within In Design

When I test printed this booklet, I did not realise that the front and back page would not be attached to anything therefore they wouldn't print as a spread and would be one individual page, I also found when I printed out each page then when they were folded they did not match up to the order I intended it to have. Therefore, in the image below I have refined and changed the page orders so that they follow the right order. It is important to have a bleed around the edge of each page as I am binding the book together using paddle stitch therefore I will need to use a craft knife to cut around the edges of it so it remains the same size. 

Final printed booklet stitched together

Final printed booklet binded together using paddle stitch. I am very pleased with my final outcome because it has turned out just as I intended it to, I think the booklet as a whole will certainly appeal to the target audience because it gives off a friendly vibe, it instantly becomes a relatable piece of writing that people will be inclined to read and be curious as to what is featured inside. The technique of using paddle stitch has also been effective because I have not lost any part of the page when cutting to size, it also allows each page of the book to be looked at with no constraints. The colour scheme is still effective when printed, I was concerned the colours would not print the way I intended them to but I am confident in saying the chosen colours work effectively. 

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