Sunday 27 November 2016


Task 1:

Create a 2 minute long video using only signs and symbols to create a diversion.

In our group video, we wanted to test if people would react to something being randomly placed on to the floor, to do this we used tape and created a hopscotch in the hope it would be interacted with. As you can see from our video it was not that successful, most people ignored it because they were not paying attention or just simply on their mobile phone while walking. We had a few people ask us what we were doing but they seemed confused and just nosy, not really that interested in understanding what we set out to do. We also had another idea that drew on the ideas of Frutiger's 'Signs and Symbols', he says 'angles pointing to right or left have a stronger movement to those pointing up or down, for the obvious reason that human movement is normally on a level'. Our concept challenged this idea and the arrows we placed going up and down in Liberty Park were to direct people so there would not be a lot of people going both up and down on one side of the stairs. This idea worked more successfully than the previous because a lot more people followed it because we used an arrow, rather than just a random hopscotch.

Overall, I think if we liked our work further to Frutiger's ideas on signs and symbols then it had the potential to be a lot more successful than it was, I think the arrow idea should of been developed further if we had more time to film it- in a more public space it could of created a lot more confusion but also worked very well because people may of been inclined to follow it.

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