Monday 7 November 2016

Group critique feedback

Work I produced for the group critique:

The main feedback I got from my group crit was to think carefully about where the typeface would be used, the favourited typeface was the sans-serif with the much smaller counters inside, the ascenders have also been slightly increased higher. My initial idea was the type could be used for a contemporary poster for an art gallery, however this would mean it would be a one off type and never used again. The idea for the type would be taking something perfect and altering it so it almost becomes ugly, as 'ugly is the new beautiful' is becoming vastly more trendy. The type should be made a lot bigger and if it does become a display font then it could be printed on the vinyl cutter. After looking at the typeface again, I don't think it would work as a one off typeface inside a gallery which is what was mostly suggested at the crit, but I think it's more suited for a contemporary brand- such as packaging or a logo-type.

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