Monday 21 November 2016

Signs and Symbols Primary Research

In our groups, we decided before we started filming and finalising our ideas, we needed to get to grips on the existing signs and symbols around Leeds in various highly public areas.


The signs and symbols around the outside of the uni were very formal, there were a lot of direction signs informing people where they would find a particular building and lots of maps which again informs people where they are at that point and more direction. Within their student union, the signs were a lot more playful with more vector styles. One thing that our group found quite strange was the toilet labelling, they have a gender neutral toilet however, the male and female toilets are stereotypically coloured pink and blue.


Comparing the two universities, it was clear the signing within Leeds Beckett was a lot more playful and fun, they had lots of arrows on the floor which allowed you to follow to various places instead of looking at signs on walls. It did get a little confusing at times because there was an excessive amount of footprints on the floor at once but still manageable enough to follow. There were similarities with the two uni's as they both had the formal maps dotted around the campus for direction.


The signs within Leeds Trinity were very varied, the neon signs within trinity kitchen I thought were incredibly effective and playful, they immediately grabbed your attention and were a different spin on the typical signage you expect to see within a shopping centre. Again there were lots of maps which made it clear which directions people should go in, there were also the typical signs that you will see in everyday life.



Various styles of signs within the train stations, each sign is informative and tells you exactly where you need to go. The signs within the station are quite dull and boring compared to some of the others around the city but as it is a very busy place they will have to remain incredibly formal so there is no confusion.


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