Monday 14 November 2016

Final Evaluation

Throughout both briefs within this module, I can confidently say I have learnt a lot of new knowledge, skills and understanding as a designer that I was previously unfamiliar with. Although I understood completing research into a project was a standard thing, however being introduced to various books like the Vignelli Cannon and Muller Brockmann’s Grid Systems I began to discover how and why certain typefaces are designed in a particular way. This gave me a deeper understanding of the typefaces I chose within the two briefs which successfully enabled my outcomes when it came to the practical work. Having a well-informed understanding of typographic characteristics and terms, meant I could identify within the typefaces I chose what qualities they possess and also apply this knowledge to my own designs giving them a lot more depth and meaning instead of just a standard typeface with no background to it. By documenting the majority of my work on a blog, it allowed me to easily see what I had completed in terms of research and then initial sketches- the sketches were extremely important within each of these briefs because without them I would not have been able to produce an effective final outcome that embodied my background research. I initially did not produce much work within my sketchbook, however I now know for future projects not to disregard this element as it is a highly useful place to document my notes, initial ideas and rough sketches, instead of producing work on lots of loose sheets. Although it is important to document my work into blog posts, it is just as important to use my sketchbook to help myself with producing ideas and making notes as I go along. Prior to this module, I had limited experience in using Adobe Illustrator as I did not understand how to use the programme, I would purposely avoid it. Only now, after attending multiple tutorials on how to use the basics of the software, am I mindful of how useful the programme is when it comes to producing final outcomes. Having a much wider understanding of how to use tools such as the ‘pen tool’, I have realised how beneficial this will be throughout the course of being a designer, meaning it will help on a larger scale not just within my degree. I feel the skills I have gained from just the first module of my degree have been incredibly valuable and will certainly be used again within other set modules and on a wider scale after completing my degree.

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