Tuesday 7 May 2019

OUGD603: Brief 7- Logo Design Brief

Notes on the video:

- Why can't 'people like you' talk to the prime minister on t.v
- Regular people have the power to widen the topics of conversation
- Have the power to set the political agenda based on the interests of Westminster 
- Regular people have a better chance of getting answers because their issues are personal and meaningful
- 5 mins one to one with the PM- unedited
- Proposing a T.V programme going out every month live with members of the public chosen by an independent body (representative of that area)
- Voice concerns that really matter to them to the PM
- PM 1 to 1- put the people at the heart of our democracy 
- Petition at the end - www.pm1to1.co.uk

What they want:

  • We are looking to source an artist to design a logo for use on the promotional video and also on the programme itself.
  • There are no specifications for the logo.
  • Consideration should be given to avoiding political party logos and colours, so as to remain impartial. The idea is not party-political. It is that the show would help “Democracy in the UK”.

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