Themes, subject matter and lines of enquiry.
- Publications
- Branding
- Products
- Prints
- Illustrations
Research methodologies.
- Primary and Secondary
- Books
- Magazines
- Websites
- Social Media
- Interviews
- Visiting places (shops, studios, companies)
Practical development (media, methods, productions skills).
- Illustrations
- Developments on Illustrator and Photoshop
- Collage
- Digital print (print room at university)
- Traditional print (mono print, screen print)
Contextual and theoretical references.
- Books
- Documentaries
- Product design
- Branding and packaging books, articles
Approaches to documentation/recording.
- Notebook and sketchbooks where appropriate
- Every step of brief development will be documented on my blog
- Photograph evidence of developments
- Screenshots of any digital developments
Reflection and evaluation.
- Group critiques with peers
- Feedback from tutors
- Feedback from possible collaborations
- Self-evaluation (write out my own set of questions)
- Brief and module evaluations documented on blog
Project management
- 10 briefs
- 3/4 briefs completed before the end of the first semester
- Keep a daily to-do list
- Set myself my own deadlines for briefs
I thought I would create this for my own help and guidance if I feel that at any point within a brief I encounter a problem and I begin to struggle or know what direction to go in. I think it will be useful because it will allow me to see where I'm getting stuck if a brief comes to a holt and where to go from it. It may not be needed for every single brief but at least I know its there for some guidance if needed.