Saturday 2 March 2019

OUGD603: Brief 3- Penguin Book Cover- Existing Covers/Imagery

These covers were designed by artist Tad Carpenter, I think they're really simple for a children's cover and not something I would personally design but I think they convey the story really well and succinctly. There's a strong use of typography among these images which is something that is mentioned on the brief/ what the judges are looking for. On the back cover there is no imagery at all, its all text which I personally find quite boring on a book cover especially as there is only a few colours throughout the front and back cover- I would have expected something a bit more exciting as it is a children's book.

Below are some other examples I found of the book cover, again they all kind of follow a similar theme/look, besides the last book cover which I do not think is the right kind of style for a children's cover as they often don't use photographic imagery. Researching the existing covers is useful because I am able to steer away and not risk my cover to look similar to any of these and come up with an entirely new concept.

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