Tuesday 5 March 2019

OUGD603: Brief 3- Poster Design Conversation

After discussing with Chris what information needs to be included on the poster, I really wanted to understand what style he wanted for the poster and were there any design styles that were standing out to him. We did initially have a conversation like this but I wanted to ask again to see if anything had changed and if he had found any other design inspirations since this first convention.

-Inspired by the 60's style, reflects his personality/music/fashion etc.
-Bold typography so it catches peoples eye

-Undecided on colours- wants them again to be bright and bold
-Mostly left the colour decisions up to me as he didn't really know what will be best

-Again said this could be up to myself
-Wants it to reflect him- bold and colourful/ approachable/friendly/helpful (reflect his personality)
-Interested in having illustrations/doodles on the poster to break up the text

Chris also sent me over some of last years posters to give me an idea, they were all very heavily typography based and formal but this made them look quite boring, therefore he is keen on having his stand out.

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