Wednesday 6 February 2019

OUGD603: Brief 1- Typography Experiments

I thought it would be important to experiment with various typography styles as I knew there were going to be 4 different quotes that would be turned into cards and I wanted each of them to be different and each quote gives off a different vibe so different typography styles would be more appropriate than another. For example, I like the idea of having 'self love club' and 'you got this' as a sixties style bubble writing and 'you are glowing' and 'you're my girl crush' to be slightly more girly.

I really like this typography style, its got that sixties vibe to it I was intending without it being overly obvious or in your face. Obviously these are just the scanned in typography and I will be able to play about with the positioning and kerning of the individual letters.

I also really like this typography style and think it works really nicely for the 'you are glowing'.


This typography style I think is the worst out of them all, it looks incredibly formal and really not something I would expect to see on that style of quote.

These are the scanned in typography images that I have experimented with, using the same style for each quote to work out which looks the most effective and going back to my previous point of having a sixties style vs a girly style.

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