Monday 28 January 2019

OUGD603: Brief 1- Further Research


The Insecure Girls' Club is an Instagram account run by fashion blogger Olivia Purvis, she set up this Instagram platform in September 2018.

"The club is about reclaiming the ‘I’ word and opening up about the worries, woes and challenges of everyday life- little and large- in a shame free, open space. Because being insecure shouldn’t be a sign of weakness, and being open about our insecurities is something that connects us all, because hey, trust me- we all feel like it. It’s not about wearing it like a badge of honour, but owning these moments. It’s about giving each other a voice and showing girls who can’t believe that ‘she feels like that too?!’ When in fact it’s something we all very much have in common."

This is how she described the page on her very first Instagram account, its very female empowerment based and focuses on highlighting female insecurities but trying to turn them into a positive and how women may all share the same insecurities. It's also aimed to help females who may feel insecure about things to understand they are not alone in feeling like that. 

I thought this would be a really good page to look at for my research as it is an incredibly positive space where females can go to in order to find some comfort and positivity regarding each other and a space where they should feel comfortable to go to if they want to discuss any insecurities or issues they may have/be feeling.

These are examples of some of the posts on the page, they look at females and talk about them in a positive light.

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