Monday, 27 May 2019

OUGD603: Module evaluation

Overall, I have really enjoyed this entire module and it has been the one I have enjoyed most within the three years of university. It has really allowed me to come into my own and I think through this I have formed a clear design style that I am really happy with and created work that I am really proud of. Having the opportunity to create our own briefs meant I could experiment with styles and designs that I have not had the chance too. Completing briefs with internal and external clients was really rewarding and enjoyable, I did not encounter any problems or issues while completing the briefs which I know I am very fortunate in that sense. I have struggled a lot with time management and completing the briefs as I had broken my finger and was unable to create or draw any designs for a month and could only really complete digital work- this definitely set me back and was really disheartening as I create a lot of my work by hand as a starting point and don't always start straight digital work. It was a tough month for me as it was very unproductive and has meant I have completed 7 briefs. Despite this I am really proud of the work I have created and have enjoyed sharing it on my design Instagram account, as sometimes I don't always think my work is its best. Moving forward, I have learnt a lot from completing this module and the briefs and I have definitely gained a lot of skills that I am excited to do in the future, it has also given me an incredible amount of confidence in myself and my design work as I have shared my work more and have received a positive response from doing so.

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